was trägt dazu bei, Anforderungen besser zu verstehen ?

Anforderungen des Kunden/Anforderers zu verstehen, ist von zentraler Bedeutung für eine gelungene, qualitativ hochwertige  und nachhaltige Lösung.

Da die beteilgten Stakeholder in der Regel unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte in ihren Sichtweisen und Anforderungen an das 'zu schaffende System' setzen ist das finden einer gemeinsamen Sprache & Notation für die Kommunikation und Konsensfindung sehr wichtig.

Modelle und Notationen die diesen Austausch von Sichtweisen auf Anforderungen, ihrer Umsetzung und die Reflexion darüber ermöglichen und den Prozess der Konsensfindung über 'die geeignete Lösung' vereinfachen, unterstützen maßgeblich die erfolgreiche Anforderungsumsetzung.


Framework for information system development

(David C. Hay - 'Requirements Analysis - From Business Views to Architecture' --> Architecture Framework from John Zachman modified by David C. Hay)

'in 1987 John Zachman published his ideas about the body of information that constitutes the system development effort. In his "Framework of information systems development" he made several observations about the system development life cycle:

  • First he doesn't look at the "phases" or "steps" in  the effort. Instead, he is interested in the perspective of each set of players in  the development process. It is, he asserts, as important to recognize that systems are developed by distinct groups with different points of view as it is to see the movement of systems from one step to another.
  • Second, he adresses more than data and functions. In his original article he established a matrix that encompasses, for each perspective, not only data and function but also location. Then in 1992, he and John Sowa extended it to include people, timing, and motivation.

The framework architecture is a matrix , where the rows represent the different perspectives and the columns the things viewed from each perspective.'